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Seconded work in France: current legislation

Veröffentlicht Am 15/01/2017

The rules on posted workers will change, in Q1 2018.

Indeed, the 7th order, will be finalized at the end of January-beginning of February.
The stamp duty established by the law El Khomri will be deleted, even before the day. This tax amounting to € 40 per seconded employee, was to be paid by foreign companies posting in France, from 1 January 2018.
"This stamp duty was seen as an aberration by our European partners and by the Commission", it is estimated at the Ministry of Labor. " So we decided it would not apply. »
This 7th order will send 2 other signs of good will :
The first is the possibility of concluding bilateral agreements cross-border (ex. a German laundry that manages the washing of a French hotel will be able to make one declaration per year and not per trip)
The second is the likely reduction of administrative formalities for certain types of services (for example, artists, trainers or journalists), as is the practice in Belgium.
Finally the government wants to strengthen the sanctions against companies seconding in France : today only 37% of sanctioned companies pay their fines. «So we want to set up something that is very dissuasive.» Estimate the government.
The Ministry of Labor will a new lump sum penalty, in January 2019, the non - payment could lead to the suspension of activity on French territory.
More simplicity and more severity: that is the logic at work in this future order. Because it is mainly companies that do not respect their legal obligations that will be hunted...

more Information here : l'Express

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